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Litigation Risk and Machine Learning


A new set of algorithms is now available as a standard as part of Lawptimize. The new algorithms are using Machine Learning to understand the behaviour of users as individuals and as an aggregate and to provide extra insight, inferences and predictions as feedback to the users.

The algorithms "learn" from the success of the lawyers in predicting the outcome of the various decisions and provide the numbers that can help them in subsequent cases be more accurate in their predictions. This works as a cooperation between the lawyer and the platform that aims to improve the knowledge gained by each of the cases entered into the system.

The machine learning algorithms are using Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. This is the first time that this technique has been developed and applied to litigation risk management.

With more data entering the lawptimize system the predictions become better and more accurate so the more a lawyer uses the platform for analyzing and tracking their cases the better the results will be in subsequent cases that are entered into the system.

We are in the process of adding more Machine Learning algorithms to the platform so the benefits to the registered lawyer will expand exponentially in 2023.

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