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Quantum Decision Theory in Litigation

Quantum Decision Theory is a rather recent development in decision theory and modelling that uses quantum mechanical principles behind its logic and calculations. The mathematics that is used in quantum decision theory is that of generalized Hilbert spaces (as developed by David Hilbert in the first decade of the 20th century).

The logic and purpose behind Quantum Decision Theory is to be able to quantify uncertainties that are inherent in decision-making. This is done by modelling a decision as a stochastic event that is the sum of two probabilities: One from objective utility factors and one from subjective attraction factors.

If this sounds very familiar to lawyers it is because this is the usual way that decisions are taken in front of a litigation decision by clients, as a balance between subjective and objective parameters that in their turn produce a final result, a breakdown of the quantum wave function that is the decision taken in the end.

We expect that Quantum Decision Theory will start playing an important role in modelling litigation processes and deconstructing the uncertainty involved. A new set of algorithms that use Quantum Decision Theory are underway as part of Lawptimize Litigation Risk Analysis and will be available soon for all registered users.

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Lawptimize Admin

Lawptimize Admin

Lawptimize Admin

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